Instructor Initiated Withdrawal System (IIWS)
Virginia Western's Instructor Initiated Withdrawal System (IIWS) is an electronic system of validating student attendance/participation for purposes of complying with federal reporting guidelines. This system is designed for faculty to report non-attendance for two reporting periods - no-show reporting and withdrawal reporting. The due dates for those rosters are listed below. For more information regarding how to use the system, please view the documentation.
Login to IIWS to access your rosters.
Due Dates - Term: 2252
Session | Roster | Open | Close |
1 | NO SHOW ROSTER | 01-31-2025 | 02-04-2025 |
7W1 | NO SHOW ROSTER | 01-22-2025 | 01-26-2025 |
7W2 | NO SHOW ROSTER | 03-25-2025 | 03-29-2025 |
DYN Due Dates - Term: 2252
Instructor | Class | Roster | Open | Close |
Richard Clark | EGR 240 V1 (31258) | NO SHOW ROSTER | 12-25-2024 | 12-29-2024 |
Richard Clark | EGR 240 V4 (53436) | NO SHOW ROSTER | 12-25-2024 | 12-29-2024 |
Richard Clark | EGR 245 V1 (30510) | NO SHOW ROSTER | 12-25-2024 | 12-29-2024 |
Richard Clark | EGR 245 V4 (31368) | NO SHOW ROSTER | 12-25-2024 | 12-29-2024 |
Richard Clark | EGR 246 V1 (30529) | NO SHOW ROSTER | 12-25-2024 | 12-29-2024 |
Richard Clark | EGR 246 V4 (31410) | NO SHOW ROSTER | 12-25-2024 | 12-29-2024 |
Sherry Crickenberger | CAD 111 DV70 (31251) | NO SHOW ROSTER | 01-31-2025 | 02-04-2025 |
Fred Deen | SDV 101 D70M (31406) | NO SHOW ROSTER | 01-31-2025 | 02-04-2025 |
Brenda Greenway | HLT 105 HY1 (30441) | NO SHOW ROSTER | 01-19-2025 | 01-23-2025 |
Brenda Greenway | HLT 105 HY1A (30691) | NO SHOW ROSTER | 01-19-2025 | 01-23-2025 |
Brenda Greenway | HLT 105 HY2 (31030) | NO SHOW ROSTER | 01-26-2025 | 01-30-2025 |
Brenda Greenway | HLT 105 HY2A (31031) | NO SHOW ROSTER | 01-26-2025 | 01-30-2025 |
Brenda Greenway | HLT 105 HY3 (30467) | NO SHOW ROSTER | 02-09-2025 | 02-13-2025 |
Brenda Greenway | HLT 105 HY4 (30468) | NO SHOW ROSTER | 02-16-2025 | 02-20-2025 |
Brenda Greenway | HLT 105 HY5 (30553) | NO SHOW ROSTER | 03-02-2025 | 03-06-2025 |
Brenda Greenway | HLT 105 HY6 (30750) | NO SHOW ROSTER | 03-30-2025 | 04-03-2025 |
Brenda Greenway | HLT 105 HY7 (30751) | NO SHOW ROSTER | 04-06-2025 | 04-10-2025 |
Brenda Greenway | HLT 106 HY1 (30412) | NO SHOW ROSTER | 02-01-2025 | 02-05-2025 |
Brenda Greenway | HLT 106 HY2 (30439) | NO SHOW ROSTER | 02-22-2025 | 02-26-2025 |
Brenda Greenway | HLT 106 HY3 (30752) | NO SHOW ROSTER | 03-22-2025 | 03-26-2025 |
Brenda Greenway | HLT 106 HY4 (30805) | NO SHOW ROSTER | 04-12-2025 | 04-16-2025 |
Jenei Grogans | SDV 290 11 (56786) | NO SHOW ROSTER | 02-24-2025 | 02-28-2025 |
Richard Juneau | BIO 150 D70 (31056) | NO SHOW ROSTER | 01-31-2025 | 02-04-2025 |
Ruth Sherman | MTH 263 D70 (30689) | NO SHOW ROSTER | 01-31-2025 | 02-04-2025 |
Leisa Snidow | HIM 111 DV70 (53939) | NO SHOW ROSTER | 01-31-2025 | 02-04-2025 |
Mallory White | BIO 141 D70 (30859) | NO SHOW ROSTER | 01-31-2025 | 02-04-2025 |
Arnold Yim | MTH 195 11 (31356) | NO SHOW ROSTER | 03-31-2025 | 04-04-2025 |
Faculty - Teaching & Advising
- Accommodating Students with Disabilities
- Advising Resources
- Campus & Community Resources
- Campus Safety Video (YouTube)
- Course Outlines
- Instructor Initiated Withdrawal System
- Intervention Counselor
- Printing Services
- Required Rosters
- Syllabus Requirements
- Textbooks